Does 0% alcohol beer taste like beer?

Does 0% alcohol beer taste like beer?

Does 0% alcohol beer taste like beer?

The demand for non-alcoholic beverages in New Zealand is on the rise, and one of the most debated questions in this category is: does 0% alcohol beer taste like regular beer? Whether you're an occasional drinker or a beer enthusiast, the taste of beer holds considerable importance. Let's delve into the elements that contribute to beer's taste and evaluate how 0% alcohol beers stack up.

What Makes Beer Taste Like Beer?

The primary ingredients in beer are water, malt, hops, and yeast. Alcohol is a by-product of fermentation. So, theoretically, alcohol shouldn't be the defining factor in a beer's taste. The brewing process for beer can also impact its overall flavour. Alcohol can act as a solvent for other flavour components, and if you take it away, this could affect how the flavours of the beer are perceived.

Blind Tests

In various blind taste tests, participants often struggle to distinguish between alcoholic and non-alcoholic versions when everything was the same but the alcohol content. 

Expert Opinions

Craft brewers who have ventured into the 0% alcohol market claim that advancements in brewing technology have made it possible to retain much of the traditional beer flavour.

Consider the Brand

Some 0% alcohol beers from reputable breweries do a remarkable job at mimicking their alcoholic counterparts. However, the taste may vary from brand to brand.

Does the Absence of Alcohol Impact the Experience?

While the taste might be similar, the lack of alcohol could affect the overall drinking experience. The "buzz" from alcohol is absent, which may make the drink less satisfying for some.

Round up

So, does 0% alcohol beer taste like regular beer? In most aspects, yes. Advances in brewing technology have made it pretty hard to taste the difference between the two. However, if the “buzz” that comes with alcoholic beer is something that you enjoy during a night out, then 0% alcohol beer might fall short.

Feel free to try a few different brands in our collection and decide for yourself. Cheers!

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